I've been doing more readings lately. I read for The New Yinzer in August and I read for Six Gallery Press this past Saturday (photo to the right). That reading went really well actually. I got to unveil my recitation of a poem entitled "And Maybe Dat's Your Pwoblem Too" by poet James W. Hall. Check out the blog post he wrote about his poem. I hope to post a video of a recitation of this poem here soon. Perhaps from the upcoming show. I really enjoy doing readings, especially now that I'm more and more excited about my writing. I feel like I'm hitting my stride with my voice and style lately. And I'm learning about what makes a poem a poem. More on that in another post.
So yeah, come hear me read sometime! Hope you can make it on the 4th.
The TypewriterGirls will be host

This December 4th, they’ll be featuring the cross-genre writers Laura Davis and Karen Lillis, burlesque dancer and performance artist Cuntess Von Tella of the Bridge City Bombshells, and experimental musician Dean Cercone. Dance party mayhem will ensue when the TypewriterGirls’ favorite DJ, Randy Spinster, takes the stage.
Show starts at 9:30 pm. Cover $6.00
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