This is why I'm happy for National Poetry Month. April is here! I can write a poem a day! Except, I'm not going to this year. Why not? Last year I wrote a poem a day in April and again in November. I have lots of poems. I've even edited some of them. And a few of those I submitted to journals. But I'm not in need of more poems, per se. So what's a poet to do? Great question. I'm glad I asked that. Here's a few "a-day" ideas ideas:
- revise a poem
- read a poem
- send a poetry submission
- read a poetry chapbook
- read a poetry journal
- share a poem
- review a poetry chapbook
- review a poetry journal
I'm leaning toward a couple, but they are the more ambitious ones and I'm less likely to succeed. Perhaps I can adjust the "a-day" bar by lowering it to "every-other-day" or "thrice-weekly" instead. I'd really love to write reviews. I've finished three chapbooks this week and I have a few others that I'd like to review in addition. Plus I have a review I owe a very patient reviews editor of a lovely journal. Why are reviews so difficult to write? I always worry I'm going to miss some obvious reference or say something that will make everyone realize I'm not as smart as they thought. Ah, the joy of impostor syndrome. Any tips for approaching review-writing in a way that isn't so intimidating? Feel free to add your two cents about how I should celebrate poetry month.
I think all of these are great ideas for April - especially sharing poems! I think April should definitely be about sharing poems that speak to us, poems others have written. I also love the idea of revising projects instead of simply doing a poem a day. Though, I will probably still do a poem a day. We'll see!
I think that's my problem... I like all of these ideas. Sharing a poem in my blog each day would be simple. I could throw in a few reviews if I have time. They are so labor intensive! Good luck with your poem a day!
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